Tuesday 1 May 2007


I’ve always been an impatient sort of guy; but these last few months since find out I had leukaemia have tempered that – to a certain extent. OK, I absorbed the leukaemia into my repertoire of health problems fairly quickly, thanks to my daughter. It was she that encouraged me to start a blog. Now the impatience is back with a vengeance. It’s Tuesday, so I only have to wait 3 days to see my doctor about the second set of results. I don’t think anything she tells me will worry me now – it’s just the not knowing. For all I know the letter stating there was nothing to be concerned about meant just that – there really is nothing to be concerned about. My father always said he cried because he had no shoes until he saw a man who had no feet. I’ve always tried to apply this to my life – but it is proving a bit hard right now, and I feel bad about that. Yes, I am well aware there are people far worse off than me, but I must be honest and say, as tragic as that person’s situation might be, I have my own problems to deal with at the moment. Does that sound incredibly selfish? I guess it does. I’m not feeling sorry for myself – self-pity has never been my scene – just confused and tired of waiting – waiting for hospital appointments, G.P. appointments, and blood test results. It’s time like this I begin to understand Einstein’s theory of relativity!

I see Barbra Streisand is giving a concert in London on the 18th July, and tickets will cost from £100-£500! The Rolling Stones concert this summer will cost you only £150 a ticket. I know she does a lot of charity work, and she says “What a joy it will be to perform in so many wonderful countries for the first time. I can't wait to experience these different audiences and different cultures." Bet she can’t want wait to swell her bank account either. Her spokesman says, “the concert is a momentous occasion that ranks up there with seeing Sinatra or Elvis". Well, I wouldn’t have paid to see either of them, and I wouldn’t pay to see her; but I do understand she has a huge following. So ,why does the greedy demanding diva have to rip people off? I guess you can get away with murder when you have the public hoodwinked – bit like politicians really – in fact, a lot like politicians.

See ya

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