Tuesday 15 May 2007


The dragon, or a vision of the dragon, has been stirring for a few days now. For new readers of my blog, “The Dragon” is the name given to Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia. The only reason it was stirring was because of my appointment this morning. He’s gone back to sleep now for a while – the results were not bad. Well, not OK by normal standards, but my white count has not risen by much, and the absolute lymphocyte count has only increased slightly. Sleep well dragon and sleep well for a long time – please. Although asleep, he is causing problems still. I am on warfarin for an inherited clotting problem which, together with a hole in the heart and irregular heart beat has caused the strokes.
I decided I had lived with the hole for 60 years so leave well enough alone. However, (ain’t it always the same!!), the Consultant Haematologist informed me that if I need to start chemotherapy for the leukaemia, the warfarin could cause serious problems, and on his advice I now have to see the Consultant cardiologist about closing the hole. I’m sure the drugs I have taken for arthritis for 20 years are also in on the game too!
I’m a bit like a town that’s been hit by a number of tidal waves – not much else can flatten me now because there’s not much left to flatten!!
I’m still fairly philosophical, although every time I turn my thoughts to a future beyond a few weeks, something happens to bugger that up! I’m alive though, and feeling fairly healthy as long as my hands don’t get any worse. How about that guy without feet and me with no shoes? Sorry folks, as much as I sympathise with him, more worried about my shoes right now – they seem to be falling apart at an alarming rate! lol
Surprise, surprise. Sylvester Stallone has been caught trying to smuggle a human growth hormone called Jintropin into Aussie land. Not exactly earth-shattering news, is it? In case you didn’t know, Jintropin is supposed to reduce belly fat and aging wrinkles, plus increase muscle mass and boost your immune system. Is it any wonder he is like he is when his mother reads your arse for you? Send her $125 together with a photo of your backside and she’ll use it to tell you about your future – or past I guess under certain circumstances.
Tim Samuels is an investigative reporter for the BBC here in England. Not only is he a great reporter and makes wonderful programmes, he is sincere in what he does. Watched a programme last night in which he took the inhabitants, (cows and sheep too), of a Cornish village called Lanreath and dumped the lot on Islington green in London. The village was slowly dying, and he wanted to bring the loss of rural life to the attention of people. Great television, but also a reminder that these people living in small communities are just as important as city dwellers. The people of Islington looked bemused to see the animals, a huge back drop of the village, plus Morris dancers and others, filling their green. Of course officialdom stepped in, but not before they had made their point. Good for Tim – long may he continue to raise public awareness of serious issues.
I’m not quite sure I’d go to the 2008 Olympics, even if I could afford it. They are having “queue” training days for Beijing citizens to try and avoid the chaos that usually reigns on Beijing transport, and the taxi drivers are being told to clean up their act, literally and figuratively – drivers are being given special bags to spit in, rather than ejecting it out the window – plus they’re being encouraged to pay more attention to their hygiene. Inspectors will carry out “smell” tests before the games to ensure only the sweetest taxis are on duty for visitors. The mind boggles.

See ya

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.